The 2020-2021 Dance Season begins on Tuesday, September 8th. We will be offering in-person classes. We will continue to offer both recreational and competitive Irish dance classes daily for ages 3 and up. I hope to add a toddler class in the near future for our 2 year old aspiring dancers once the regulations are lifted and it is safe to do so.

All rules & regulations regarding our upcoming season are listed below. We are following all CDC state guidelines plus more. We thank you in advance for doing your part to keep our studio a safe place for all!

Lobby closed during this time- classes will be drop off only. 

Everyone must use our touch-less hand sanitizing station when entering and exiting the building.

•Everyone must wear masks at all times when in our dance facility. I highly recommend a light weight, breathable mask. I have found the blue disposable masks to be the most comfortable when dancing. Dancers will be permitted to take breaks whenever they need & to get water. All staff members will also be wearing a mask at all times.

•All dancers will maintain social distancing at all times. Markings on the floor have been added so that everyone has an assigned large rectangular dance area and is at least 6 feet or more apart at all times.

•All classes will be dismissed 5 minutes early to allow for sanitation of the dance room in between classes.

•We will be running our school as a one room studio for now to limit the number of people in the building at once. All classes will be held in Studio A- the yellow Irish dance room where we have added an air purification system.

•Students will be dismissed to parents/ caregivers by the glass foyer after each class.

•If your dancer travels to a high risk state you will be required to fill out a MA travel form and either provide a negative Covid test or quarantine for 14 days prior to returning to the studio. Further information on this can be found on the site.

•Of course if your child or member of your household is displaying any symptoms of COVID, please do not come to the studio.

•In the event another shutdown is mandated, all classes will resume on Zoom at their normal class time & day and tuition will be processed as normal.